Katie C

I don't know if I can handle Katie C doing the evening news.
I'm all about girl power - don't get me wrong.....but Katie can irritate the crap out of me.
During her last few months on the Today show ~ I could not wait for her last day! She became a little on the b!tchy and condescending side. A little too smug for my liking. And now that I read some reviews of her broadcast - it sounded like it was 30 minutes of Katie-fluff-loveme-andmygreatideas-news. ick
In all fairness to Katie - I did miss her first go round. It is certainly unfair for me to weigh in with my bad opinion -
but this I my blog and I'll do what I want!
At 6:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have always thought that despite her reputed "perkiness" that she was a bit smug and arrogant.
Doing what you want is what this is all about....You go girl!
At 7:32 PM,
The Future Was Yesterday said…
I don't care who reads me my news, as long as it's accurate! Obviously, that idea has went the way of the sewer..(:
I didn't catch Katie's "first", nor will I catch her "last." I'm stupid, but not terminally ignorant. When you take a "gurgle and grin" host, and turn them overnight into so called "respectable" journalists.....I just can't swallow any of that. Makeup is good, but it can't be THAT good!! She comes with all the credentials of Miss Piggy, and probably the same journalistic background.
At 7:36 PM,
Obob said…
she's perky, doesn't that matter anymore? Not that they could have tried to snag someone like Campbell Brown or really push and get Amy Goodman from Democracy Now!
At 9:58 AM,
Ellie said…
i agree, katie annoys me. her perkiness or arrogance or whatever you want to call it just bothers me. i didn't catch her first show and i probably won't see any of them. Campbell Brown would have been much better and anyways I prefer nbc. i guess i should be happy that a woman is doing the evening news broadcast, but I think women like her give us all a bad rap as perky, makeup covered pushovers.
nice blog by the way, a little too pink for me, but you have sound ideas and I agree with your politics. :)
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